HI! I’m Sarah

Before I found coaching, I was stuck. Repeating patterns over and over. The same thoughts. The same actions. The same results.

And when I was told I had to change who I was to get unstuck?

I didn't want to change…me!

I wanted to change my life. My finances, my job, my weight. All those things and more.

But not...me.

And all those things I didn’t like about my life stayed stubbornly the same. Because I stayed the same.

It wasn't until I changed how I thought and then how I acted that I began to see my life change around me.

And it's still changing for the better. 

No one else could change me, and no one can change you either. 

But with the right tools, a practical framework, and understanding guidance from a compassionate coach, you can get unstuck and step into who you are meant to be.

Are you ready to drop your old limiting beliefs and your fears of the future?

Are you ready to Find Your Worth?

I’d love to help you find your new path.


  • trust

    Create strong internal structures of self-worth and gratitude.

  • dream

    Find your personal vision of a joy-filled life.

  • grow

    Navigate both internal and external obstacles to achieving your goals.

"[the coaching] process gave me tools that I can utilize going forward. Having a dream goal and breaking it down into manageable/bitesize goals enables me to continue with forward momentum. I can use the skills and tools that I have gained through this process to achieve future goals. I have also found myself already utilizing some of the skills I have gained through this process when working with others." -M